Cloud computing has transformed the way the world does business today.

What Is A Cloud Phone-Based Business?

A cloud phone-based business stores its data in “the cloud”. The cloud is an online storage center that can be accessed from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.

Within one unified interface, a cloud phone-based business can access:

  • phones
  • fax
  • video conferencing
  • messaging
  • shared file storage and collaboration
  • security systems
  • and even integrate with their CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system.

What Are the Benefits of Cloud Phone-Based Business?

Cost Savings

A cloud phone-based business can significantly reduce operational expenses because of the ability to work remotely. Because all data and communication is based in the cloud, businesses can minimize their office space and allow employees to work from home or remotely.

The cost savings of a cloud phone system are significant.

  • Because on-premises infrastructure is not required, the cost of hardware is much less than a traditional system.
  • There’s no installation fee and no ongoing maintenance requiring IT professionals.
  • You pay for what you need with usage-based billing.
  • Adding or removing lines and/or users is all done easily and simply through your online account.


Cloud services are subscription based and customizable. You pay only for what you need, even as your business changes. When your business is based in the cloud, unifying your communications, processes, and workflow is simplified allowing you to adapt as needed without painful adjustment periods.


Every business wants to grow, but growth often comes at a cost. Expanding into larger offices or multiple geographic regions can be limiting even for successful companies.

Based in the cloud, geography and square footage are nearly irrelevant. Your business can grow and expand as far and wide as you want as long as you have good internet service and a cloud subscription that covers your data needs.

What Does It Take To Become Cloud Phone-Based?

Converting from a traditional data storage and phone system to a cloud phone-based system is surprisingly easy and affordable.

The only requirement for getting set up in the cloud are:

  • Internet access via WiFi modem or wireless router
  • Power outlets, and
  • Hosted phones.

You don’t need to hire a technician to install hardware and set everything up. Your RTI Smart E-Voice plan includes initial set-up and gives you access to your business portal. Within the portal, you’ll be able to connect users and devices, activate features and integrate with your other systems.

All you need to do is contact Rafiki Technologies today. One of our agents will work with you to ensure your transition is as smooth and convenient as possible. We are passionate about providing you with a plan that’s right for your business. We’re committed to giving you confidence to take control of your cloud-based business communications.

Contact Rafiki Technologies today and move your phone system to the cloud with RTI Smart E-Voice! Phone: (403) 353-5555 Email:

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